Bealiba - Past Events...

An Australia Day celebration was held at the Bealiba Town Hall on 26th of January 2024.

After the raising of the flag we enjoyed some Australian themed songs and poems and heard interesting stories from our guest speaker Bernie Smith, about his time in the Australian Army.
This was followed by a sausage sizzle and catch up.

Thanks to the Bealiba CWA and to all the helpers who made this a successful day, and thanks to everyone that attended.

Working bee Sunday 10th Sept 2023

June 12th Kings Birthday - A Royal Afternoon

We were pleased to welcome Ross Gairn to Bealiba to give a talk on his life in the Royal household. 

Talk was followed with High Tea by the Bealiba CWA. 

A great attendance of over 40 people filled the Divine Studio, the former Uniting Church.

April 25th - Anzac Day Parade

A huge turnout of around 80 people came along to support the Anzac Day Parade along Main Street, followed by a memorial service and sausage sizzle at the Town hall. 

The 2023 Trail stretched across five shires, 13 towns and 30 exhibitors. 

Local Bealiba Artists put on fantastic displays for the Arts Trail and we had a great attendance of people from near and far.

A full wrap up will be up here soon…

April 2023 Bealiba Reservoir Working bee

Bealiba Reservoir Community Day Working Bee was held on Sunday 16th April. A successful day with a clean up and new tables built.

March 2023 Bealiba Reservoir Committee

Bealiba Reservoir Precinct AGM was held on the 28th March 2023.  Some of the discussion was to ensure the Reservoir continues to be managed in a way that is relevant to the community. To get involved or for more info please contact: Jenny 0409 936 340 or Daena 0438 049

Nov 2022, end of season Indoor Bowls

What a night.  Last Thursday we all shared a beautiful meal to celebrate the end of the bowling year.

Thank you to all who provided a salad or sweet.  I think everyone enjoyed the food as there wasn’t a lot left. Prize money was given out for the cumulative points.  Congratulations to Shirley Coburn in first place,  Lyle Streeter  second and Heather Cooper coming in third.  Terrific bowling throughout the year.

The highlight of the night was the counting of votes for the inaugural Sam Whitehead memorial trophy.

Karen & Peter Waters donated the trophy and were in attendance  to present the trophy in memory of Karen’s father Sam Whitehead.

The voting was close but Gary McClelland was declared a very well deserved winner finishing on 35 votes,  close on his heels was Pam Brightwell on 33 votes and third was Ian Lovel on 29 votes.

Once again thank you to all involved and we now look forward to starting up again in 2023.

Tiny Towns Arts Trail is an annual open studio event occurring over the ANZAC weekend every April. An artist run initiative, Tiny Towns Arts Trail is open to professional, emerging and amateur artists living and working in the tiny towns of the Central Goldfields and surrounding shires.

This year, in Bealiba three venues opened up their studios and spaces to exhibit local artists work and provide visitors with a unique experience.

Former Uniting Church – Divine Studio-Featured a Woodwork Gallery

Hanging Rock Studio, Presented a Rock Art Display

 Bealiba Historic Railway Station-Featured photographic work

If you missed it, be sure to look out for next years trail..

Community Day


The Bealiba community day was held on Saturday 9th April at the public hall…

November 21

Cadillac Car Club Display

The Cadillac Car Club were in Bealiba on Sunday 28th November as part of their weekend Goldfields Tour.

There was a display of over 20 magnificent vehicles from the 50’s, 60’s, 70’s era at the former Uniting Church.

The CWA provided a delicious lunch, Queen Victoria welcomed the group to the town and the warm sunny weather made for a perfect day.

Many people visited the Railway Station and took home some Cooper Capers while others picked up a treasured collectible from the Antiques store.

November 2021

Bealiba St Davids Church 150 Years Celebration

Putting up the 150th celebration sign onto the front wall of the tiny brick church in Bealiba while fine hail was falling made our prayers for good weather look futile.

However, at 2pm on Sunday 14th November 2021, the sun shone on our celebration. St David’s Anglican church was opened on 12th November 1871. We felt duty-bound to celebrate our brave pioneers’ great achievement in building such a fine upstanding church from bricks of local clay and timber gathered from our beautiful box ironbark forests which surround Bealiba.

The ceremony began with a church service; Rev Canon Jan Harper designed a faith affirming simple liturgy. Each member of the invited congregation received a lovely booklet with the service, the words of the two hymns and
some lovely colour photographs of some of the special events in which St David’s had participated in recent times. Also included was some history of the original Dedication celebration 150 years ago.

After the service, the weather kindly permitted us to have a group photo with the 150th sign and as the rain fell, all retired to the church hall for the cutting of the cake. We asked Ian Lovel to cut the celebration cake as Betty Lovel is in Ballarat Base hospital, following her operation. Betty has long contributed to the continuation of worship in the lovely old church with her monthly fund raising efforts in Bealiba Community Hall, as well as Pancake Day for Bealiba School children.
Heather Cooper

April 2021

Annual Event -Tiny Towns Arts Trail

Another successful year of this fantastic event.. Come back for the 2022 Trail.!  Spanning four days over twenty locations hidden across the Tiny Towns of the Central Goldfields.

This unique part of the world is home to many local artists and makers, small business and creative communities. From Fine Art Galleries, Cafes and Artists’ Studios to Pop Up Exhibitions in historic buildings, restored railway stations, churches and gardens.

You will discover hidden treasures and the creative magic heart of our historic towns. Uncover luscious local secrets in unexpected places. Gardens, botanical art and recycled sculptural treasures will surprise and inspire.

Follow the Trail on Facebook and Instagram at Tiny Towns Arts Trail
